Other Activities

Other Activities

A weekly newsletter is published to keep you informed of all services and activities and these are available at all services or can be obtained from the back of Church or the Parish Centre.

Play and Pray
The services are held in Church usually once a fortnight on a Thursday starting at 1.30pm for fun and fellowship. Further details from Alyson Hampshire.
Mothers Union
The Mothers’ Union is a world wide society whose aim is the advancement of Christian Religion in the sphere of marriage and family life. Meetings include a time of prayer, a speaker or discussion and a time for socialising. Men and women are welcome to join us on the first Tuesday in the month at 1.30pm to find out more. Further details from Margaret Pratt.

Discussion Groups and talks
These are held on a regular basis and are aimed at all aspects of the faith. Further information is available from any member of the Ministerial Team.

If you enjoy singing and would like more information about the choir and choir practises (which is open to all ages) contact the choirmaster and organist, Derek Tingle, via the Rector.

Sunday Club
This is aimed at children over the age of three. We meet in term time in the Parish Centre. For further details contact Margaret Pratt.

Prayer Groups
Prayer groups meet regularly in the homes of parishioners. Further details from Sister Aileen Taylor.

Churches together in Garforth
“Churches together in Garforth” promotes Ecumenical activities for the member churches, which are St Mary’s, St Benedicts, the Methodist and Dayspring. There are a number of services, events and activities. Obtain further details from any member of the Ministerial team.